Machine Learning

CS 6350, DS 4350, Spring 2025


Please go to the canvas assignments page for viewing and submitting homeworks.

The following information mirrors and expands upon the homework policies in the course information page.

Your assignments must be submitted electronically on Canvas by midnight of the due date. Detailed instructions for submission will accompany each assignment. Hand written assignments or printouts will not be accepted or graded.

Instructions for programming assignments

  1. We strongly prefer that you use Python for the programming assignments. (We will allow other languages with permission.) Individual assignments may also include additional restrictions.

  2. Your program must compile and run on the CADE machines without us having to install any new programs or libraries. You will receive no credit for programs that don’t run on the CADE machines. Of course, you could write the code on your own machines and test it on the servers.

  3. Your submission should include a readme.txt file that gives instructions for how to run your code. A submission that does not include a readme file will not be executed by the TAs or the instructor and you will receive no credit for that submission.

Late policy

All assignments must be submitted by the deadline. We will use the timestamp on Canvas as the submission time. Assignments will be accepted up to 24 hours after deadline, but will be assessed a 10% penalty. That is, if your assignment is late and scores 90, then your actual grade will be 81 = 90 - 9.

Assignments will not be accepted 24 hours after the deadline.

We will be strict about this policy: If the deadline is midnight and you submit the assignment at 12:01 AM, you will face the 10% penalty! This may sound harsh, but we have to draw a line somewhere.

To get the best grades possible, we offer the following advice:

Exceptions: All submissions are subject to the late day policy stated here. We understand, however, that certain factors may occasionally interfere with your ability to hand in work on time. If that factor is an extenuating circumstance such as a medical condition, we ask you to provide documentation directly issued by the University, and we will try to work out an agreeable solution with you.


It is important to us that all assignments are properly graded. If you believe there is an error in your assignment grading, please submit an explanation via canvas within 7 days of receiving the grade. No regrade requests will be accepted orally, and no regrade requests will be accepted more than 7 days after you receive the grade for the assignment.