1. Lectures
  2. Important Dates


The slides and resources for each lecture will be updated after the class. The schedule below is tentative and both the order and the content will almost definitely change as the semester goes along.

Date Lecture
20-Aug Class cancelled
22-Aug Class cancelled
27-Aug Introduction
29-Aug Neural networks refresher
3-Sep Symbolic logic
5-Sep Logic (continued)
10-Sep Neuro-symbolic methods: Overview
12-Sep Neuro-symbolic methods (continued)
17-Sep Neuro-symbolic methods (continued)
19-Sep Logic as loss: Overview
24-Sep Semantic loss
26-Sep Semantic loss (continued)
1-Oct Multi-valued logic and t-norm losses
3-Oct T-norm losses (continued)
8-Oct Fall break, no class
10-Oct Fall break, no class
15-Oct Using knowledge to design models
17-Oct (continued)
22-Oct Reasoning about model predictions, structured prediction
24-Oct (continued)
29-Oct Graph search for structures
31-Oct Integer linear programming inference
5-Nov Training with inference
7-Nov (continued)
12-Nov Training with symbols within networks
14-Nov The straight-through estimator
19-Nov Gumbel softmax
26-Nov Guest lecture: Kyle Richardson: Human preference tuning with LLMs
28-Nov Thanksgiving, no class
3-Dec REINFORCE (continued)
5-Dec Looking back at the semester

Important dates

Date Deadline
10-Sep Project team information due
19-Sep Review 1 due
1-Oct Project proposals due
29-Oct Project intermediate status report due
31-Oct Review 2 due
21-Nov Review 3 due
9-Dec Project final report due